I used a left over binder from the end of the school year and started out by adding my daily chore sheet into the clear pocket. It used to hang on the side of the fridge, but I decided that everyone who comes over does not need to know how I clean my house.
I got some write on dividers by Avery and also utilized some that were left over from the school year. My tabs are:
- Weekly Planner
- Emergency Information
- One colorful tab for each child and one for the adults
- Phone Numbers
- Lunch Menus
- Pet Care
- Blog
- Home Inventories
- Out of Town Checklists
- Survival (Hubby's Idea)
- Notes
The emergency Information sheets were found here. I printed 2 adult and 4 child sheets. Both of which have a spot for fingerprints, personal info, and a picture. A new one will be printed out each year so that the pictures can be updated.
I also put my marriage certificate and birth certificate into the pockets of the adult divider. (Not showing as I don't want my personal info all over here)
The phone numbers page was found here. Instead of typing in all of the info first, I just left it blank to write them in as more will come.
The lunch menus will be empty until school starts back up and a new one will be hole punched and put in every month.
The Pet Care Sheet has not been made, and will not be frequently used as we don't go out of town long enough for someone to have to come take care of them, but it will be something I print up using Microsoft Word.
The Blog tab is just a bunch of notebook paper that I use to write down ideas of what I am to blog about.
The home inventories tab is just a word document of movies, music, special items, and collectables that we have (just in case of a robbery or something *again heaven forbid*).
We frequently go out of town to transport my step boys back and forth to their mom's house and again this just has notebook paper so I can write down things that I need to remember to pack.
The survival tab....well I had one extra and my husband has this thing about being prepared in case if we have to survive on very little (ie: loss of job, natural disaster, Armageddon etc.) It too has notebook paper so I can fill it in as I go.
The notes tab is more of a Misc. category that I can just write down anything extra that is needed to be remembered.
At the last minute I decided that in order for this to be a "home management notebook", it needed to have some sort of financial management too. I found a calendar here. Instead of printing the whole year and throwing half of it away, I just printed from May on. I wrote "Bills Due" on the top of each page and now just write in the days the bills are due. Now we don't have to dig through our bill box to figure it out. =)
Everything was hole punched and put into their corresponding places, and now I feel organized (a little bit).